Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ysolda Teague

I think I'm in love.  

Her name is Ysolda Teague.  Maybe it's because she has an awesome accent and she's foreign or maybe I love her sense of style in which she claims she doesn't know what's in style she just designs what she likes.  Go ahead, sister!  Design on!  I listened to the Knitmore Girl's episode with her interview and if I had any doubts about wanting to knit, they are gone.  I remember perusing her blog about a year or so ago envying the knit patterns but I was still in my monogamous relationship with crochet and kinda stopped reading her blog.  Well folks, I'm back on it and added her to my sites that I frequent list.  Ysolda is so cool and her patterns are awesome.  I love the vintage inspiration and timeless style she evokes in her designs. 


  1. FYI - she is also best buds with the Scottish artist who knit the beluga whale likeness I photographed at VK Live in New York. You should check out the photo if you didn't see it - very cool.
