Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I decided before the really cold winter weather decided to hit good ol' central New York, I wanted to make my very own blanket. Not one made by a Grandma (God rest her soul) but one that I took the time to do. And boy, did it feel like forever making this thing. When I first started, I again was not paying attention to the pattern and I maybe got 15 rows into it and realized that I wasn't dropping the stitch on each end so the sides looked like a very long triangle. Anyway, I found this pattern in one of the first crocheting paraphenilia that I ever bought called Cozy Crochet Kit by Melissa Leapman. It is a box with 25 projects on cards along with a starter pair of plastic crochet needles, one of which I broke on my current project.
There are three different types of yarn going on in this: Wheat, Fisherman, and Brown all from Lion's Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick. This blanket is hella heavy and is long enough to keep me and the husband warm in our poorly insulated house. While I was toiling away on this, it kept me nice and toasty too.

In closing, I definitely calmed my need to make a blanket for quite some time.

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